感谢大家对Parent Online平台的使用和支持,该平台已经光荣的完成了他的使命并下线。
继任者是微信Parent Portal平台。该平台已为家长提供了广泛的服务,请微信扫描下方二维码并使用。
未来我们会推出School APP,敬请期待。
我们衷心感谢您一直以来对我们工作的支持与信任。我们将确保备份您在Parent Online系统中的数据,并为您提供适当的支持和帮助,以确保您的使用体验得到顺畅的过渡。
如果您遇到问题或需要进一步的帮助,请联系School Office。
Dear parents,
Thank you for using and supporting the Parent Online platform. The platform has successfully completed its mission and has been removed from service.
The successor is the WeChat Parent Portal platform, which offers a wide range of services to parents. Please scan the QR code below on WeChat to use this platform.
In the future, we will launch the School APP. Please stay tuned for further updates.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support and trust in our work. We will ensure that your data on the Parent Online system is backed up and provide you with appropriate support and assistance to ensure a smooth transition.
If you encounter any problems or need further assistance, please contact the School Office.